Home-Software Development-Streamlining Code with Unnamed Patterns and Variables: A Comparative Approach in Java, Kotlin, and Scala (Part 2)
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Streamlining Code with Unnamed Patterns and Variables: A Comparative Approach in Java, Kotlin, and Scala (Part 2)

Part 1 is here

Scala: Unleashing the Power of the Underscore

The Wildcard: A First Encounter

In Scala, the underscore (_) serves as a Swiss Army knife, multifunctional yet sometimes perplexing for newcomers. Its most common encounter is in pattern matching, where it acts as a wildcard:

        object MatchTest1 extends App {
  def matchTest(x: Any): Any = x match {
    case 1 => "one"
    case "two" => 2
    case _ => "many"

Here, _ denotes an unknown pattern, matching any input not previously matched.

Simplifying Imports with the Underscore

When it comes to importing, the underscore streamlines the process:

        // Imports everything from the package
import org.junit._

// Imports all but excludes Before
import org.junit.{Before => _, _}

// Renames Before while importing
import org.junit.{Before => B4, _}

These examples demonstrate how the underscore can either import everything or selectively rename or exclude components.

Unrestricted Generics: Existential Types

The underscore shines in its role in existential types, allowing developers to define a list of unknown or any type:

        // List of any type
val list: List[_] = List(1, "two", true)

// Array of any type
val array: Array[_] = Array(1, "two", true)

// Sequence of any type
val seq: Seq[_] = Seq(1, "two", true)

// Option of any type
val opt: Option[_] = Some("Hello")

// Vector of any type
val vector: Vector[_] = Vector(1, "two", true)

In these examples, _ permits various element types within the collections, embracing Scala’s type-safe yet flexible nature.

The Underscore in Practice

Utilizing _ in Scala is not just a matter of syntax but a philosophical approach to concise and type-safe coding. As Scala continues to evolve, the underscore remains a powerful tool in the developer’s toolkit, symbolizing the language’s commitment to brevity and elegance.

As we delve deeper into Scala’s features, the underscore may initially seem daunting, but it’s a cornerstone of Scala’s expressiveness and functional programming capabilities, streamlining code and fostering a more abstract and general approach to problem-solving.

Kotlin: Streamlining with Underscores for Unused Parameters

Enhancing Kotlin Code with Underscores

Kotlin, known for its concise syntax, introduces the use of the underscore (_) character to denote unused parameters in various scenarios like functions, lambdas, or destructuring declarations. This subtle yet powerful feature contributes significantly to cleaner and more readable code.

Streamlining Lambdas: The Underscore in Action

In situations where only some parameters of a lambda are required, Kotlin allows the replacement of the unused ones with an underscore. This is particularly useful for functions requiring multiple parameters but not all are needed for a specific implementation.

Consider a common Kotlin operation:

        mapOf(1 to "one", 2 to "two", 3 to "three")
   .forEach { (_, value) -> println("$value!") }

In this forEach function, only the value is of interest, thus the key parameter is replaced with _.

Simplifying Delegates and Observers

Kotlin’s delegation pattern, especially with observers, can also benefit from this feature:

        var name: String by Delegates.observable("no name") {
    _, oldValue, _ -> println("$oldValue")

Here, kProperty and newValue are unused and thus replaced with underscores, focusing only on the oldValue.

The Power of Destructuring with Underscores

Destructuring declarations in Kotlin are another area where underscores enhance clarity:

        val (_, x, _, z) = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4)
print(x + z)

In this snippet, only x and z are used, while w and y are skipped using _.

Kotlin’s Underscore in the Broader Programming Context

This Kotlin feature aligns with practices in other languages like Haskell, where _ is a wildcard in pattern matching. In C#, it’s an idiomatic use without language-specific syntax. The evolution of Java may also see similar implementations in the future.

Kotlin’s underscore usage for unused parameters typifies the language’s approach to simplicity and readability. By eliminating unnecessary verbosity, Kotlin developers can write more elegant and maintainable code, reflecting the language’s philosophy of pragmatic programming.


While the adoption of unnamed patterns and variables in Java is a step forward, its current implementation remains somewhat limited compared to the broader capabilities seen in Kotlin and Scala. Java’s potential in this domain is extensive, and future enhancements may include more complex applications of these concepts.

Java’s path forward involves continuous improvement and community engagement. The use of unnamed patterns and variables marks a significant step towards enriching Java’s expressiveness and readability. As Java evolves, its community eagerly anticipates further innovative implementations of these features, promising more efficient, readable, and maintainable code.

The integration of unnamed patterns and variables signifies notable progress in Java’s evolution, bridging the gap in expressiveness seen in languages like Kotlin and Scala. While Java will continue to develop in this aspect, the trajectory is set towards a more expressive and efficient coding experience. This ongoing journey is a testament to Java’s adaptability and its active community’s pursuit of innovation and excellence.

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